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Resources Update! 2021

Dear Advocates, families, and Educators,

In an effort to update our resource records from around the state I am making a "call to action"

request to you all. It is a big state and so much has changed over the last year we need your help in updating and adding new resources that could help families ease their journey.

We are looking for Neurophysiologists, tutors, literacy experts, literacy centers, math centers, screen options, eye doctors... anyone you have used and would refer to a friend.

Thank you for posting to the Decoding Dyslexia Montana page or texting Kelly @ 406.579-8521 with updates and add ons.

It truly does take us all helping each other so each chid will reach their potential.

Take Heart! You've got this-

Thank you,


Kelly Fedge DuBose

DDMT Founding Leader

Optimize Abilities




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