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                                                                                   Education Evaluation Request Letter Sample



Your Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip



Their Name (If you don't know their name use their Title)

Director of Special Education

School District

Street Address

City, State, Zip



Dear (their name or title)


I am requesting a full and individual evaluation for my (son/daughter), (your child's name), for assessment as a special education student stipulated in Individuals with Disabilities Act ( IDEA, Public Law 108-446). I understand the evaluation is to be in all areas of  suspected disability and that the school district is to provide the evaluation at not charge to me. 


I have concerns that (Name of your child) is not receiving  full education benefit from school because of (his/her) struggles with (add a short sentence summarizing the struggles- include the dyslexia in your summary). My reasons for requesting this evaluations are (briefly list your reasons and concerns). 


I understand I am an equal memeber of the IEP and/ or 504 team and will be involved in all matters that involves my child.


I am happy to provide written permission to administer the tests once I receive the forms you require.  I look forward to getting the ball moving and working together on (child's name ) behalf. If you have any questions, please call me at (your phone number) or email me at ( your email address). 




( Your Name)





CC: ( Names and titles of any one else you send this letter to) 





* It is best to hand deliver the letter or send it certified mail. Keep a copy and any documentation as to when you delivered it! 


* This may seem formal but it is important to do it this way from the start. It keeps it clean and reduces issues in the future- TRUST ME!

You can tweet this a bit using your voice but keep the main elements. 


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